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Tuesday 9 September 2014

A Way Of Celebrating LIFE :Blood Donation Camp:A Memorable Golden Jubilee

 “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention”- these are the wise words from Oscar Wilde and we have experienced it at our very own “United HR Solutions”, where our COO, Ms Nisha Kapoor celebrated her 50th Birthday by organizing a blood donation camp; as her way of celebrating LIFE. Says, Nisha,” “I’ve been involved with blood donation since the 1980’s because there is a critical need”. She adds, “I believe in giving back to society and I think, this is the best occasion and gathering to contribute and save Lives”.

C’mon! We know you’ve got it in you! Staffs, Family and Friends of Nisha were all actively and enthusiastically involved and with the collective efforts, we managed to collect 31 units of blood.

Donors who could manage to pass the preliminary tests carried the attitude of,”I’m doing something amazing today. I’m saving a life by donating Blood. Blood cannot be manufactured and relies solely on generous donors and we take pride by doing a bloody good job.”

 “You have looked after us every step of the way. In return, we wish you success, health and happiness on your birthday! “This was communicated by celebrating “this special occasion” by the staff of United HR Solution; by singing and cutting cake with their favorite Mam, who is not only a boss, but a friend, philosopher and guide. All in all a memorable day for all those who participated, and who did not in the Blood Drive.